
dacron avatar image
dacron asked

Node Red flow to switch ac charge the batteries on & off

Hi. I would like to switch my multiples to charge the batteries from the grid as the schedule does but from a switch. The switching part I can do but not sure how to switch on and off charge. Thanks first time using Node Red.

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I am not sure if it will suit your needs but if you use the custom output node and select the target as the Multiplus you can then choose the "DC Max Charge Current" as the measurement and setting this to zero stops charging and then setting it to say 90 lets it charge, but it does not force it to charge. I have tested this with my Multiplus set to "charge only" but I have not checked it with the inverter set to "on". The "set charge current" function either sends a 0 or a 90 to the custom node depending upon input conditions.


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