
whitworth-marine avatar image
whitworth-marine asked

IP43 vs IP22 Charger

Now that the IP22 has VE Smart:

So if water ingress is not a concern and i do not need remote control or control a relay, how to choose between a same featured IP43 or IP22 charger say a 12V 30A 3 output unit. A quick dive into demo mode finds that programming ability is essentially the same, so does it just come down to whether one wants natural or fan cooling?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Whitworth Marine

Yep, it comes down to install conditions and needs/wants. (And often what is cheaper than suits the need).

They will both charge the batteries connected.

I am sure you have looked at the tech specs for the IP22 and the IP43.

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Gregor Kopka avatar image
Gregor Kopka answered ·

Also there is the detail that the IP43 charger is available in a 120-240V version, which is more flexible when having to deal with mains power in areas where supply voltage level fluctuates.

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