
Keith Arnold avatar image
Keith Arnold asked

What conditions must be met before Multiplus starts charging

I have a 48/5000/70 Multiplus. 4kW Fronius Primo on AC out 1. Multiplus is the only battery charger on the system. Grid on AC in. 2 x 100 Ah Huawei Li-ion batteries.

At what stage does the Multiplus start charging the Battery? System is in Bulk. SOC is way below 100, can be down at 60 % but does not seem to make a difference.

I have a minimum grid set (i have tried different values to prevent feed-in overshoot), does this value in any way affect when charging starts, and how much the charge current? (so does charging start when PV> than load- minus grid set point?)

Feed in excess pv is switched off, limit charge power is off. limit charge current is set at 60 Amps in ESS. i have set limit inverter to 1000 to limit discharge rate.

It seems there is a priority to export (Feed-in) rather than get on with charging?

If i switch fronius Zero Feed-in on then the system rather limits the fronius than get on with charging. Priorities don't seem right? If i switch battery without life matters improve on the charge amount but still limits pv output especially with fluctuating loads.

When limiting the PV it takes large big step down. Getting the PV back up to production takes much longer, seems to be in small steps.

Is it possible to prioritize charging above PV limiting please.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi Keith, (months latee.. sorry)

the system does prioritises charging above pv limiting; so something else must be amiss.

first of all check voltages: soc is mot a good indicator, voltage is: is the battery voltage already eaual to configured charge voltage? Then they’re full.

Another possibility us that the batteries are blocking charger in one way (mosfets) or another (allow to charge wiring).

Hope that helps!

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