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windowexperts asked

Do I keep my 12v house battery to start the generator?

I have a 24v system powering a Victron Inverter. I am planning on putting an Orion 24v to 12v converter.

Will I need to keep at least one 12v battery to power the DC items on my motorhome?

If not, what would I use to start the generator? Would I wire it to the chasis batteries instead?

What's the best practice for this?

Lastly, if I'm keeping a 12v battery in place, what would you recommend I use?

starter battery
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Your generator should have its own internal battery, so no need for an external battery.

If you're going to be using the generator rarely there's a risk of its battery running down. Setting the Orion converter to float voltage and connecting the generator to that will prevent it. Usual float voltage for 12V batteries is 13.6/13.7V. Your 12V systems will be fine on this.

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