
Erhan Dolak avatar image
Erhan Dolak asked

System feed-in to grid despite ESS grid feed-in disabled

Good Day Victron Community,

Last couple of days was sunnier than before, I hope it’s shining for all of you as well.

Today I realized that my standalone multiplus single phase system feed the grid after batteries became 100% full despite feed-in excess energy was disabled. No settings changed in last 30 days in the setup and feed-in was disabled from day one. But somehow Multi/ESS decided to push excess energy to the grid.

What i see from advanced statistics is, during the feed-in duration, the vrm stats shows Absorption as state but MPPT (VictronConnect) shows Bulk all day. I am not sure why they report inconsistent.

It might be a communication problem between ccgx and mppt but again, there is no error in the logs about it.

My system is running with below settings:

-ESS: optimized without batteryLife Minimum soc:%40

- grid setpoint 10W

-Feed-in AC/DC off

- There were no real load in last couple of days on the system and it was a sunny day. At around 13:40 the batteries fully charged and feed-in started.

Other settings:










And Devices and firmwares:

MultiPlus 48/5000/70-100 v508

SmartSolar Charger MPPT 150/60 rev2 v3.14

Color Control GX v3.13

BYD B-Box Pro v4.14

2 arrays of 3 serial connected 410w/48v, total 6 panels.

Any good guess about what may cause it?


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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

have you got dvcc turned on under settings in the cerbo. if not turn it on

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Erhan Dolak avatar image Erhan Dolak commented ·

Thanks Paul for responding. DVCC was enabled.

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