
felicem avatar image
felicem asked

Quattro do not sync with gen

I have a setup with three Quattro inverters configured for a 3-phase system at home. The power input comes from an ATS that alternates between grid power and a generator, both supplied in 3-phase. I've noticed that when the ATS switches to being powered by the Gen, the inverters fail to synchronize. I've verified the output of the Gen, and it seems appropriate at 230V/50.4 Hz. However, synchronization occurs when I adjust the ESS settings to "Keep the battery charged". This presents a challenge, as the Gen, which is set to automatically start when the battery level drops to 35%, won't synchronize without manually tweaking the ESS settings.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to address this issue?

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Any particular reason you didn't use the gen input on the quattro where you would be able to set more generator friendly settings which would help the system sync?

Have you been through the generator FAQ?

These settings aren't online so having to constantly change them on the primary AC input is disruptive.

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felicem avatar image
felicem answered ·

Actually that the way it was set by the installer/contractor. Not knowing the options at time of installation I didn't investigate about alternative options. The gen input has been wired so that the input is the same of the main and the output feeds the low priority loads which is set to cut them out at 50% of the battery.

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