
kstyler avatar image
kstyler asked

Orion XS only one decimal for voltage in VictronConnect

Hi, my Orion XS with firmware 1.02 only shows one decimal for the voltage values in the victron connect app. Mppt and Smart Shunt are having two? And in the VRM I see that for orion xs two digits after the comma are available?


orion xs
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3 Answers
maidstein avatar image
maidstein answered ·

I'm also surprised and would like two decimal places.

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

What possible reason would need that level of accuracy?

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maidstein avatar image
maidstein answered ·

To be able to see a development trend of voltage, current and power on the Victron Connect overview page. This helps immensely in understanding how the various Victron modules work together. All other Victron modules have 2 decimal places and I am grateful for that.

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