
sailingraven avatar image
sailingraven asked

BlueSolar MPPT 100/30 5v AC plusing

While trying to isolate a fault in my electrical system, I have discovered my MPPT 100/30 is pulsing 5v AC on the output to my battery bank (several pulses per second).

Does anyone know why this is and what issues it may cause (if any). My other MPPT controllers don't have this peculiar quirk.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@sailingraven, that's incredibly odd, can you confirm your multimeter settings? I don't see any way that an MPPT could possibly be pulsing an AC current.

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sailingraven avatar image
sailingraven answered ·

It's just set to detect AC. I'm trying to get hold of another multimeter to check that's not the problem..

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