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nidgy asked

Displaying wind and solar on ccgx easy solar

Hi, new member here, Im hoping more experienced hands can advise... I have a easy solar 48/5000, with bmv , 2 smart shunts one as a battery monitor and 1 as dc meter, as i have both wind and solar. With just the solar it displayed correctly in ccgx, but now having added the second smart shunt for the wind turbine input I see an accumulated total for both solar and wind [i have selected has dc system]20240127-124513.jpg20240127-123858.jpg. The ccgx does display the wind input correctly under devices , and the accumulated total on tiles is correct although its shown as dc system, but how do I get the ccgx tiles to show both solar and wind separately and also when using the victron connect app? I appreciate from reading other similar posts that combining wind and solar presents difficulties, but if fellow members have a solution it would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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