
victronvalhowell6283 avatar image
victronvalhowell6283 asked

Inverter parameters setup in VEconfig software

I have lifeline 210 ah AGM batteries x 4. I am using a Multiplus 12/3000/120 inverter charger. I am trying to determine two things:

1: what is the ideal setting in veconfig for voltage for DC input low shut off, DC input low restart, and DC input pre-alarm?

2: If I have the inverter set to shut off at 65% SOC and come back on at 90% SOC, when the low SOC occurs and AC1 is available, it should just go to a pass thru mode and start charging...correct?

VEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


When setting up for the battery, refer to the battery manufacturers recommended values. AGM between different manufacturers tend to have alot of variations.

And no the restart value will be when the inverter switches on and allows power through again. Off means off. No passthrough unless it switches to charger only.

2 |3000

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