
Leon Backbier avatar image
Leon Backbier asked

Battery below minimum SOC DESS

Last week my battery got under my minimum SOC (10%) it dropped to 5% before it started recharging and that at a time the energy price was high. What is the reason becausa al alarms went of

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1 Answer
dirk-s avatar image
dirk-s answered ·

If the SoC goes 5% below minimum SOC it will recharge automatically independent of prices. It is a safety feature and not changeable

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Leon Backbier avatar image Leon Backbier commented ·
Hi Dirk, thank you for replying. I understand the safety, however why did it keep on discharging below the 10%. Besides this, it had plenty of better oppertunities before to re-charge the battery but somehow it decided to keep on discharging
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