
frantiseksobotka avatar image
frantiseksobotka asked

Dynamic ESS - at the moment not improving economics at all

Hello Victron team,

I am very happy that Victron went live (beta) with the dynamic ESS, this is must with dynamical prices that we have in EU. I also joinned webinar yesterday and from yesterday I am testing the new dynamic ESS.

But to be honest my opinion is that dynamic ESS does NOT work correctly.

My actual situation and setup:

Fixed buy price at level 0.33, variable sell price at level around 0.1, with some peaks, but always sell price much lower to buy price. My comsumption at the moment higher to daily solar production. Available 43kWh battery almost empty.

So from economical point of view the optimal for the moment and actual price irradiance forecast is to use all solar energy as direct use, surplus during day to load into battery and use at night. No economical reason to sell anything as I will use all the energy myself and there is no prediction to have buy price under sell price.

Here are my observations:

1. weather forecast and irradiance works very well.

2. System seems to just follow calculated DES SOC which leads to very high flow to grid and back....every time there is any deviation from load forecast it moves energy to grid or from grid...

3. Why the system send to grid 9,4kWh and took from grid 4,5kWh? There was no reason to sell the energy, battery is full and consuption forecast enough to use all produced energy for several days. On the top of that the energy was exported around noon at very low sell price!!! Why the energy from grid? Was always above minimal SOC and the buy price is fixed...


4. Why there are no grid costs at forecast?:


5. The most of the energy was sold to grid at lowest prices:1695820955947.png

I do not believe that such a dynamic ESS can be benefit for cases where there is very high difference between sell and buy price (eg. factor 3 and higher).

My VRM portal ID#: 48e7da891f5b

dynamic ess
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1 Answer
dirk-s avatar image
dirk-s answered ·

Please go to the topic in the modification area. There is already a thread. As it is beta, modification area is the right place for this topic.

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