
stevie-b666 avatar image
stevie-b666 asked

Update required to ENA Type Test Register

I have no doubt there is a lot of back slapping happening in sales offices following the excellent winter promotion on the Multiplus II.

Well done…

…However, now is the time for Victron to catch up (yet again!!) within the UK regarding type testing compliance. It is NOT for me as a customer, nor as an installer, to justify G100/2 compliance.

Will someone in Victron please wake up and update your G100 declaration - it’s not rocket science. I’ve even attached an oven ready solution from one of your competitors to get you rolling…

…just add some lab test figures and update the ENA type test register for G100/2.

It will save a lot of heart ache and significantly reduce commissioning DNO witness costs!!

I’m now off my soapbox…


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I hear you that regulation red tape can be an utter pain.

I think you might find the document states otherwise though. It is up to the installer to prove it and the installation is up to standard. Which means an installer can make their own form and test procedure that is compliant.

And since they are being paid to do the job it is their job. Or if you are self installing and trying to save money it is your job to fulfill the local requirements.


With the UK changing it's regulations more often than some people change their underwear it is a definite treadmill I am glad I am not on.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

@Stevie_B666 I think you misunderstand the register. It is merely where verified compliant products can be listed by DNOs and manufacturers with the purpose of information sharing, that is if they even choose to do so. There is no actual requirement to do so. The DNO can actually ignore it, as they have the responsibility for managing their infrastructure and may have an already mature alternative in place given they actually deal with far more than the few domestic systems listed. (Originally only 3.68kW system were listed.) As example, my DNO has an automated application process which approved the fully type tested 8kVA and 10kVA before the register had it published :) The DNO can actually elect not to do witnessing and it varies from what I have experienced. If you do such installs regularly, I would have hoped they had a bit more faith in you ;) or otherwise they are just making some money to try and build an infrastructure that can actually handle the demand of electrification.

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daza avatar image daza ejrossouw commented ·

@ejrossouw agreed my DNO UK Power Networks was straight forward and online, I must have done something right as they allowed a whole year for me to install it and registered it without witness testing.

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bladerunnervf avatar image bladerunnervf ejrossouw commented ·


"As example, my DNO has an automated application process which approved the fully type tested 8kVA and 10kVA before the register had it published"

I know this is a bit off topic, but if you'd be happy to share which DNO that is that would be great. Thanks.

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2 Answers
stevie-b666 avatar image
stevie-b666 answered ·

...agree, very much dependant on your DNO, mine being WPD which in reality is the National Grid. The NG appears to use type test register as a green lane for those which are compliant, therefore a lighter touch and quicker approval route. Certainly from my experience with my initial install, once Victron had finally gained G99 compliance for the Multiplus II, approvals and G99 Connection Confirmation letter were by return of email that quick and no site visit.

Obviously now, I want to expand my generation capacity which is well within the capabilities of the Multiplus II and will now entails G100/2 compliance. As the Multiplus II has no green light for G100/2 the planner has implied that witness testing will be required which could be up to £1000 - approximately the same cost as the additional inverter and quite frankly kills of any cost benefits.

The off the record comment was find an OEM who has G99/G100 compliance as it's an easier route for test protocols, etc.

Hence my rant...

...Victron has deeper pockets than myself and should be keeping abreast of UK requirements. Having G100/2 compliance provides the installer/customer the relevant test protocols which can be replicated for their G100/2 application and a much easier life!!

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Jona Aal avatar image
Jona Aal answered ·

Having products that meet all the criteria set by the DNO is also a good way to sell more products!

We have installed several other brands that met the requirements when Victron products would arguably have done the job better but didn't have the necessary boxes ticked.

Witness testing costs rapidly reduce the equation to a financial one that only a few people who have very specific requirements that can only be met by victron products will be willing to fork out for.

Sunsynk are looking pretty competetive right now for a lot of features that we all love victron for...and a few new ones!

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

I think for discerning customers that is hardly a deciding factor ;)

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