
stonihiha avatar image
stonihiha asked

MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 do not load battery with maximum ampere

Hi Comunity,

I use an MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 with a AC- an DC coupled system an EM540 an setpoint 40W.

At the moment I have a lot of AC PV Power (1700W) and less DC Power (150W).

I send back more then 1000W to grid and the Multiplus charger only charge with round about 16A. Like I understand the datasheet it should load up to 32A. How can I find out why the charging current is reduced.

Too specials are in my system: I use an BMS that is not supported by Victron Energy, so I use Node-Red to read the SOC from BMS and send it to Victron via ModBus

Regards Jürgen

Multiplus-IIess effizienz
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4 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

What is the SOC value?

Because, maybe the BMS is telling to not charge with more than 16A, if the SOC is towards the end 100%, absorption for example.

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stonihiha avatar image
stonihiha answered ·

In this case tle SOC is less then 100%, currently 30%.

The only value I route from BMS to Cerbo is SOC.

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pim57 avatar image
pim57 answered ·

Do you have DVCC turned on?

Because this feature can reduce the charge current.

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stonihiha avatar image
stonihiha answered ·

Yes, but the limit charge current is off.

I have to use it, because the battery has only 15S, not 16S, so I have to reduce the maximum charging voltage to 54V.

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