
Atte Varis avatar image
Atte Varis asked

100/50 mppt no load ouput?

So as you go to these bigger MPPTs of victron it seems to be missing Load output.

How do you get output for 12v system without draining your battery completely flat with lights etc. if connected straight to battery?

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
kai avatar image
kai answered ·

Put other controls in place. BMS, BatteryProtect, etc.

What is suitable depends on what you're doing with the batteries and whats connected to them. What are you looking at?

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Atte Varis avatar image Atte Varis commented ·

I have BMS in mind for future, but doesn't fit into budget right now. Battery protect would be good, but unfortunately my local dealers don't sell any of those and for that reason don't know what is price for those either. I guess easiest is to get now anybrand battery protect as long its somewhat configurable.

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Atte Varis avatar image Atte Varis Atte Varis commented ·

I have BMV-712 in mind too, but planned to get it later aswell, it would be one option to protect battery + monitor?

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knauer avatar image
knauer answered ·

Why is that, that the bigger MPPTs don't have a load output? Sadly I noticed this fact too late, I already bought a MPPT100/50 and have no load output. :-( At the competition Votronic, they have it the other way around: an AES output only on the bigger solar chargers,

What type of device is recommendend to fulfill the load output function with a MPPT100/50? I want to use the superfluous solar power to run the fridge. The fridge has an S+ input for this pupose, which takes almost no current, it's just a signal path, by which the fridge decides to use the 12V source.

So, I'd need a device which just gives out a signal (not necessarily real current) when the battery is full and the solar panels still produce, similar to the load output on the smaller MPPTs.

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knauer avatar image
knauer answered ·

Ideally I would like to have the BatteryLife functionality too. So like the smaller SmartSolar Chargers with their load output.

What product is the best suggestion? To replace that?

It's quite strange, to implement that only on the smaller Chargers. The less power I installed, the less common the use case of having power over will occur.

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