
sebastia avatar image
sebastia asked

Input current on Multiplus II is always 0 A.

Hello, I have an active input connected to the Multiplus II but the multiplus does not read the input current. It does read the input voltage and output current. See image below:1704981247208.png

Why could this be? Could it be that the current transducer is broken?

Best regards

Multiplus-IIinput current
1704981247208.png (38.3 KiB)
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ken-wagner avatar image ken-wagner commented ·
Problem Solved - See post at bottom of page.
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Has it connected (closed its relay) on the input?

How is it programmed? With virtual switch (ve config) or maybe Conditional AC connect (Victron connect)

A simpler check on the GX under

devices list - inverter - switch state

and see if it is 'inverter only' set there.

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sebastia avatar image sebastia commented ·

Hello Alexandra, thank you for your respone. The switch is "ON".


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1704982713520.png (38.5 KiB)
Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ sebastia commented ·
I can see the inverter seems to be synchronised to the input.

Do you have the external CT? Is the inverter set to use its internal metering system is system set up?

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sebastia avatar image sebastia Alexandra ♦ commented ·
It doesn't have any external current transducer (CT). I will check the setup with the VEConfig Tool if it is set to use its metering system. Thank you.
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sebastia avatar image sebastia Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I have checked the configuration, and yes, it is set to use its internal metering system. Here the configuration:



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sebastia avatar image
sebastia answered ·

Still not resolved.

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mjs500 avatar image mjs500 commented ·

have you check that the at wire link is in place on your multi plus-II look ware external CT wired for wired remote CT or if you have older multi plus-II with plug in type CT contact your Victron suppler for help as older multi plus-II with plug in type CT had problem with CT socket

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mjs500 avatar image
mjs500 answered ·

Remote CT wiring point on new multiplus -II wire link must be in place for intermal CT work


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sebastia avatar image sebastia commented ·
Thank you for your answer. I will try this ASAP and let you know.

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ken-wagner avatar image
ken-wagner answered ·

We had the same issue with our Multiplus-ii configuration and it turn out to be caused by a faulty external current jack on the unit. New units have an audio jack, older ones had a terminal block to connect an external current sense coil to. When nothing is plugged into the jack, a set of contacts close to tell the Multiplus to make use of its internal current sense. Some other users found that by inserting and removing an audio plug several times would result in closing this connection again. This did fix our issue, and I would like Victron to create a jumper plug to ensure this problem doesn't repeat in the future.

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