
alawrenz avatar image
alawrenz asked

Blue Smart charger IP67 12/25 not working when power is connected.

My Blue Smart charger 12/25 IP67 (6 years old, not the bluetooth version) is not working when power is connected. Is it possible that an internal fuse has blown, and if so, is it replaceable? I do know that at one point the earth connection in the mains cable was loose, so perhaps that is what caused it - does that sound plausible? Any other advice or insights would be helpful.

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Some of this you have probably done already, but...

Have you checked the fuse in the mains plug?

Do any lights come on when you plug in?

Is there any output voltage when plugged in?

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sockeye avatar image
sockeye answered ·

If the internal fuse is blown then it becomes a brick. Not replaceable according to manual. It’s just bought the 12/25 ip67, I maybe would have reconsidered

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