
gordonl avatar image
gordonl asked

Dashboard and MPPT data


We have this on our dashboard. The Watts would be correct but the V & A are completely different on each of the 3 Strings and MPPTs. Those voltage figures do not appear in any graphs etc

Is there a fault or configuration to cause this? Thanks

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Those are the figures from the PV panel side of your mppts.

They're available too as widgets if you delve.

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gordonl avatar image
gordonl answered ·

Thanks John,

The Watts look good, it is more the V & A that are different between identical 150/85 MPPTs. I would expect approx 100v as the PV input by a few amps not low V and High A. I have not tested but doubt we are running 90+ Amps from the roof to the MPPT. Only 1 MPPT shows data on the graphmppt-pv-2024-01-08-14-38-07.png

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

Hmm. Some sort of comms issue? My crystal ball suggests something CAN based?? Missing terminators?

For more help from the gurus here you'll need to cough more detail on your system. I haven't seen such myself, although that 'no data to display' thing might correct with a little time.

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gordonl avatar image
gordonl answered ·

18 Panels broken into 3 systems connected to 3 150/85 MPPT. The panels are in 3 panels in series and the 2 strings in parallel. Apart from solar angles etc the input to the MPPT should be similar. My thought is the input is being misread but it comes out with the correct Watts. Not sure how that should happen if there is a independent voltmeter and current measurements. Mathematically join that data for the Watts.

So any ideas on where to look for the source of the issues?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

If the system is working correctly, but it's just incorrect/missing data, then the comms wiring/setup. Like Can or VE.Direct cabling, adaptors, etc.

You could try using VictronConnect (direct or via VRM) to get a more detailed view of what each mppt is doing, or even if that missing data is available that way.

You're looking for a fault. Be imaginative.. :)

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