
v-p avatar image
v-p asked

Bluesmart ip65 12v/15a

I bought a smart charger today and charged my car's battery, following the instructions. Now I connected the charger to the battery again to connect the charger to the app but the app doesn't find the charger and the mode button doesn't work anymore either. The first time the mode button worked normally, I selected normal mode and now this mode is on automatically when the charger is connected. Can the charger be reset somehow?

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Did you also plug the charger into the grid power?

A reset is only possible via VictronConnect:

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v-p avatar image
v-p answered ·

Yes, connected to grid. I also tried connecting only the battery and connected only to the grid. But the end result is the same, the charger starts charging in the normal setting and mode button and bluetooth doesn't work anywhere, at least my phone can't find the charger.

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