
manuele avatar image
manuele asked

Parallel MultiplusII GX with MPII using Assistants.

Good morning everyone,

I wanted to understand if with an MPII-GX in parallel to an MPII with an L1 phase it was possible to use the configuration indicated in the image.

1) Is it possible to manage the indicated condition with the assistant?

2) do I have to load the configuration the same in the two MPIIs (Master and Slave)?


Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer me.

multplus 2 gx
configuretest1.png (67.0 KiB)
configuretest2.png (44.0 KiB)
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Yes, this is possible if the inverter modules are the same and have the same firmware. The same settings need to be loaded in both modules, and the same assistants loaded in the same order. If you are using BMS 2 wire assistant or other which requires an input, the assistant configuration is slightly different as that in the multi with the input connections gets set to master, and the other as slave.

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manuele avatar image manuele commented ·

I have two Seplos BMS that manage the batteries, and on the GX console I read all the values correctly, but at a first attempt it seemed that this configuration didn't work for me, since once the SOC exceeds 84%, in the absence of load, it doesn't detached itself from the grid.

The question was given that on the MPII-GX I have some limitations with the Relays, I wanted to understand if I could use the assistants, which I had never used and if in my case I always have to configure them the same on the two machines (Master and Slave).

Now you are confirming that the configurations must be the same, so I will try to reconfigure again.

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manuele avatar image
manuele answered ·

I was able to try again and I confirm that the assistant does not work using MPII-GX.

I checked internally to the machines, the firmware of the VE.BUS card of the GX starts with 2629, while the other with 2623, could this be the cause?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

2623 is a 5kVA model, 2629 is a 3kVA. You can't parallel them together, but they could run independently. The GX device will only recognize the VEBus of it's own Multi.

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manuele avatar image manuele JohnC ♦ commented ·

Sorry, I'll correct myself, the two versions are these:

MPII-GX 5000 -> 2623497.VFD

MPII 5000 -> 2623498.VFD

and in any case the assistants don't seem to be working...

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ manuele commented ·

Ok, that's better. Providing firmware has been updated to the same, they can be paralleled.

But I think your Assistants logic is backward. You're switching General Flag ON when you want AC, but GF is set to Ignore AC.

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