
ache avatar image
ache asked

About Blue Smart IP22 plug


I plan to install a new Blue Smart 12/30 charger in my camper van. My van has a 220 female outside outlet that goes to the current charger with a computer power supply type female.

How could I install this ?, it seems that the power cable is fixed and I don't see how to connect it.

thank you

bluesmart ip22
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

That sounds like an IEC cable connection, in which case it might make more sense for you to install a Phoenix Smart IP43 charger, which has an IEC power input:

Otherwise, you would need to rewire (or have your electrician rewire, as the case may be) your existing connection to provide an outlet for the IP22 to plug into.

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ache avatar image ache commented ·

Yes, the cable socket would be like the one with IP43, however according to the website it does not seem suitable for a van in which you want to charge both the main and secondary batteries. It is strange that the IP22 does not have the standard power socket for these devices. Maybe you can fit an adapter to avoid damaging the original cable and your warranty. I appreciate your response.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ ache commented ·
IEC isn't a standard connection for battery chargers, it just happens that your charger has that.

I know only a few chargers with IEC connection.

The Phoenix chargers are also available with multiple outputs.

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ache avatar image ache Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
I Spain all have this kind of plug because they are use to campervan with exterior 230v plug

I will look Phoenix ones or IP43


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