
praxidice avatar image
praxidice asked

Exactly how to alter Cerbo GX parameters

What has me totally stumped is how to access and change Cerbo GX settings ? Its not available in VRM and I can't figure from the manual how to connect locally, whether via bluetooth, wifi or network. Initial issue is that data updates happen at indeterminate times, I want to reduce the standard setting (which I understand is 15 minutes) to one or two minutes so I can see figures in something like real time, not hours later.

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7 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

on the side of the cerbo is a sticker that has the wifi connection details so connect your phone to the cerbo . the cerbo is the hot spot. then once connected to the wifi then open victron connect on the same phone or tablet or even a PC laptop and you can connect to the cerbo without a screen

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praxidice avatar image
praxidice answered ·

Victron Connect does not appear to allow changing any settings, only viewing. Is there something I've missed about enabling the ability to make changes ?

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praxidice avatar image praxidice commented ·
A possibly related question is why I'm only getting VERY belated data updates (if any). Presently the most recent update was three hours ago despite the default update interval being 15 minutes. The Cerbo does appear to be online so its not a connectivity issue.
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gazza avatar image
gazza answered ·

Go to the Remote Console > Settings > VRM online portal, and check settings on this page, you can then change update interval.

screenshot-2024-01-02-at-084153.pngGo to VRM Settings > General page and toggle the real time updates switch

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praxidice avatar image
praxidice answered ·

Now we are getting close .... would someone kindly explain in gross detail what I need to do to actually SEE that VRM portal window as shown. When I connect to my Cerbo, I get something showing current flow between charge controller / battery / inverter etc, but nothing even remotely like the VRM Portal with settings that can be changed. Presumably I'm missing sonmething simple but despite reading the manual countless times I have yet to find my way to that page. I did see a page with the real time updates selected however my Cerbo isn't aware that it should take real time updates seriously.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Did you look into the manual?

Setting -> VRM online portal -> Log interval

The smallest interval is 1min.

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praxidice avatar image
praxidice answered ·

I've read the manual more times than I can count but its of no assistance whatever in this case.. Eventually I did manage to change the update setting to one minute ... real time updates was already selected. Still doesn't convince the cerbo to take notice though. I'm getting the impression that there must be some kind of communication issue, now wondering if I need to implement some other system, possibly the Victron 4g device independent of bluetooth / wifi / wired networks.

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donpacoscountryhouse avatar image
donpacoscountryhouse answered ·

hello, came across your post, having issues about 3 months ago and i thought it was a server side from victron side issue.. but i see many people are having same problems.. is victron anygood? i come from a reversal to 2.94 then to 3.13 then to 3.2 then 3.3 and now the latest 3.33 my cerbo gx worked fine when i first bought it and installed in february 2024. now i feel i almost bricked the bloody cerbo. i come to conclusion i hate this as it has made me spend countless hours trying to fix it.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Without messing with ssh it really shouldn't be possible to brick a cerbo. The latest docs have added a complete factory reset process, this tends to resolve the few weird and persistent issues that some run into.

There are an enormous number of GX's in the field, old and new. They do just work and issues found tend to be routed out quickly via extensive beta testing.

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