
jlaaij avatar image
jlaaij asked

With ET112 set to "0" will power first be coming from grid and with some lag inverter ramps up

Hi all,

My basic ESS will be:

- Grid

- Energymeter ET112 on grid

- All loads connected to grid

- Multiplus II 48/3000 + Cerbo GX- AC-in connected to grid

- PV system (Hoymiles micro-inverters)

- connected to MPII AC-out 1 or 2 (obeying to factor 1.0 rule)

- Battery Pylontech, 1x US5000 or 2 US3000C


- With the grid-meter set to "0" and a heavy load is turned on, even above the 2400W, will the power first come the grid and with some lag the inverter will ramp up to the requested power/max?

- Will the "ESS limit inverter power" to 2000W be an option to prevent the inverter stress to the max?

Multiplus-IIct or et112
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·


First question, yes. initially it will come from the grid. The latency of the ET112 is about 750ms (i think) so it takes just under a second to react.

2nd question. I have a 5kva unit, I limit mine to 6000w to not 'stress' the inverter. 2000w is way lower than what it can handle unless you are dealing with constant loads of an hour or more.

2 |3000

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jlaaij avatar image jlaaij commented ·
Hi Jason,

Thanks yet again :)

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw jlaaij commented ·
@jlaaij There is no need to limit the inverter as an ESS will not "feed-in" (output more) than it's max, 2400W in your case. Any shortfall will simply come from the grid. Jason's ESS 6000W setting serves no purpose as his inverter will only ever provide 4400W maximum and is even G98/G99 certified as such. The grid setpoint in ESS is what is set to 0 and not the ET112.
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