
randy12 avatar image
randy12 asked

Adding Smart Charger

Hello, maybe you can help me with a question about adding a charger to my system.

The goal is to load the Batterys no only if the engine is running. Try to load them if the car is standing with power from the house.

This is my System im the moment, think it is nothing special. The Orion is working withe a running signal from the alternator.

Bat System5.jpg

Would the next picture be ok with the carger, or do i have to change something?

The Starter Battery would get the 3Amps from the +1Port.

Bat System6.jpg

Thanks for your help

bat-system6.jpg (48.3 KiB)
bat-system5.jpg (32.1 KiB)
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2 Answers
theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

I assume that you have a busbar onto which the Orion output, and the battery are connected. It’s no problem to connect a separate charger on to the same busbar, to charge the battery when the engine/alternator is not running. Just use the correct wire size and fuse towards the busbar.

And of course, set the charger to the correct settings matching the battery specifications.

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randy12 avatar image randy12 commented ·

Thank you for your answer.

With busbar you mean a system to protect the Lifpo in any Situation?

It is this battery:,8v-lithium-superpack?_ga=2.148350007.1628139180.1703935262-1549009739.1703689916

I unterstand that that this special battery protects itself?

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theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

A busbar is a metal plate with bolts and nuts, on which you centrally connect all your 12 volt devices.

You have both a busbar for all the positive and for all the negative connections.

The Victron battery you have, has an internal protection for overload. Using an extra Victron Battery Protect is therefore not mandatory, as long as you respect the maximum load- and charge currents.

Install the 12V+ and Ground busbars on a central position in between the 12 volt installation.

Then connect all 12V equipment with their 12V+ and Ground on to those 12V+ and Ground busbars.

Because each 12V device needs a protecting fuse, you can also use a Victron Lynx Distrubitor. This is a 12V+ plus Ground busbar, and fuse holder in one box.

Maybe it’s wise to investigate the Lynx Distributor schematics on the Victron website. At this moment I’m not to convinced that you have all the knowledge about this kind of matter… Maybe we’re talking about safe low 12V voltages, but the high currents can cause a lot of troubles, and high risks, when things are not properly connected, and protected.

As an extra tip: take a look at the YouTube channel of Explorist Life, they have a lot of simple to understand beginners tutorials for 12V RV installations.

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randy12 avatar image randy12 commented ·

Thank you @Theo74 . Your support helps me a lot.

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