
seamaster avatar image
seamaster asked

Quattro II 3000 120VX2 12V cycles charger once it reaches 110A

I have strange issue that I believe appeared after the upgrade of the Quattro FW to Ver. 2781508 which can prioritize renewable energy. Here is what happens:

When I start the generator Quattro II works fine in inverter mode. When the charger comes up, and the current starts ramping up to around 110A (120A rated charger) the Charger stops charging and offloads the generator. In 20-30 seconds the charger ramps up the charging again and the process repeats. The only way I manage to get around that problem is to use "weak AC" feature, but we are not even getting close to the generator limit. I can load the generator up to 4+ KW without any issue. It leaving it at "weak AC" setting cuts the charger current to 2/3 which does not work for me. I had Xantrex Inverter before the upgrade to Victron few moths ago and it was gibing me full 120-130A charging. Now with Victron I can noble get around 80A with weak AC feature enabled. Definitely "black eye" for victron here. Love the system but this is really crappy that can't charge well from generator!

Also there is no error reported on the obvious places. Is there an error log that tell us what is going on?

here is video of the strange behaviour captured in Victron Configure App:

and another one on the Venus OS screen:

Is it possible to downgrade the FW on Quattro II to the previous version? Unfortunately I did not record what was the original FW that QII 120Vx2 came with before I decided to upgrade it :( Does someone can give me a hint please?

Any other suggestions but "turn on weak AC in settings?

thank you

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
What batteries do you have?
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seamaster avatar image seamaster Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries 12v 1200A/hrs
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1 Answer
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You can get previous firmware versions on victron professional, free to join. You might also try disabling weak ac input and just lower the charging amps (via the quatro config, not the ac input limit) to say 100 amps and see if that works.

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seamaster avatar image seamaster commented ·
I did downgrade the firmware but that did not help. I will try the reduction of the charging amps next.
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