
Susan avatar image
Susan asked

Mulitplus II not showing in Victorn connect

I have a Victorn Multiplus II. It does not show up in Victron Connect. I have a blue victron cable that goes from the Multiplus to the Cerbo GX. What have I done wrong?1703104482400.jpeg


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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

First of all please immediately decommission that entire system, including shutting off all AC input at the source breaker, until you can get someone qualified to complete the installation properly - that is horrifyingly close to a potential fire right there.

Second, plugging the MultiPlus into the Cerbo will show the MultiPlus on the Cerbo, it has nothing particularly to do with VictronConnect.

Third, you have a VE.Direct cable about to fall out of the Cerbo, and it looks like the Cerbo may not be powered at all.

Please please immediately shut down all power to that system until you can have a reputable, experienced systems installer correct the installation.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·

Same here very poor wiring etc, These are for electrician to do!!!.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Agree with the others about shut down. You're also missing the VE Bus terminator.
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myhomebuzz avatar image myhomebuzz kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·


Il n'y a pas besoin de terminateur sur VE.Bus mais sur VE.Can si utilisé.

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brendongarikai avatar image
brendongarikai answered ·

Hi Susan can you confirm if the wiring on the inverter has been fixed is relatively poor and can cause damage to the unit and the system if so i am willing to support you with the standards that Victron wants.

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myhomebuzz avatar image
myhomebuzz answered ·


Le MultiPlus-II ne se voit pas sur VictronConnect, mais sur VRM. Ou alors avec un VE.Bus Smart Dongle connecté à la batterie. Ce Dongle rend visible en Bluetooth le MultiPlus-II et sert aussi de sonde de température. Ce Dongle est connecté au MultiPlus-II par VE.Bus.

Pour modifier les informations particulière du MultiPlus-II, il faut passer par un MK3 ou par VRM en import/export du fichier .rvsc. Mais là, c'est une autre histoire.

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