
hudsoncl avatar image
hudsoncl asked

DVCC with Quattro/Cerbo GX/REC 2Q BMS

  • This I just finished installing a REC 2Q BMS, Cerbo GX/GX 50 display. I have an existing Victron Quattro. I configured the Cerbo for DVCC. I got it all online and cells charged. When I turned off the BMS the Quattro went to bulk trying to charge the now disconnected pack. I quickly turned off the Quattro. Obviously this is not desirable. I don’t see anything about how to resolve this in the Cerbo manual and don’t see in any settings in the Quattro that would prevent this. It seems that when the Cerbo loses communication with the BMS, the Quattro reverts to its programmed charge algorithm since DVCC is no longer available. Please advise. Thanks!
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Kaj Lehtinen avatar image Kaj Lehtinen commented ·
If you add information on what software versions for Quattro / Cerbo your's running that might help others with insight into the type of setup to advise you better.


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hudsoncl avatar image hudsoncl Kaj Lehtinen commented ·


Thanks for the support. My Quattro is 48/5000/70-2x100 120V. Firmware version 497. s/n HQ19188EEQN.

Cerbo GX firmware version v2.91. s/n HQ23026YT9E

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