
marnix2 avatar image
marnix2 asked

Dynamic ESS - When are day-ahead prices reloaded?

Dynamic ESS (Node-Red) works nicely here.

I am wondering why now (14:56) the new prices are not on my /dess page yet? What triggers getting the new day-ahead prices? They are on ENTSO-E already for a bit..

dynamic ess
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4 Answers
marnix2 avatar image
marnix2 answered ·

Ah at 15:00 it did something haha.

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

Usually they get in at 15.00, but we start trying to fetch them earlier. Sometimes they get released earlier.

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marnix2 avatar image
marnix2 answered ·

For example now (12:30) they are known, but I think it will take some more hours for the prices to appear on DESS [?]

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

While it is still in beta, please keep comments and questions to the dedicated beta topic in the modifications section, thanks.

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