
timarnold avatar image
timarnold asked

Blue solar 75/10 on 2 x 100 watt panels OK or Not?

I apologise if this has been covered many times but I am new to this solar lark!
I have a 100watt Renogy panel and a Blue Solar 75/10 charging a flooded 12 volt 100 mah Leisure Battery which powers 4G cctv cameras in a very remote location. The system is has just about held its own during November but with darker days and colder weather coming I doubt it will manage. I have been offered another new Renogy 100 watt panel at a huge discount, 50% off, which I can mount next to the existing panel. so my question is what is the best way to connect these 2 panels, parallel or series and will this controller manage which ever way I connect the panels even in the hight of summer or will I need to remove one in the summer months. Thanks in advance.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
mjs500 avatar image
mjs500 answered ·
1 comment
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timarnold avatar image timarnold commented ·
Thank you. So if I keep the 75/10 and wire in parallel will that still work for me? The present controller is only 3 weeks old and I really don’t want to fork out another £70
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regman54 avatar image
regman54 answered ·

Similar to yourself I'm using two suitcase style Renogy 100 watt panels wired in series with a Victron 75/15 MPPT charge controller but on a travel trailer for dry camping purposes. As stated a minimum you'll need is a 75/15.

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timarnold avatar image timarnold commented ·
Thank you for the answer. I have now installed the 75/15. I cannot get any charge data from the battery supplier or manufacturers and as we know Victron do not supply flooded lead acid batteries so they dont have a pre set for that type of battery. Can I ask what settings you are using please@?
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ timarnold commented ·
Absorption 14.4, float 13.7 will work fine
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