
muvybuf avatar image
muvybuf asked

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W VenusOS devices disappearing fixed (NOPE).

Installed VenusOS v3.13 onto a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. I put a USB stick into the the RPi and connected a BMV-712, an MPPT100/50 and a Multiplus II (through an MK3). No devices showed up on the VenusOS. After several variations and attemps at troubleshooting I discovered that if I connected only the MPPT directly to the RPi, it would show up and then after a few minutes disappear! After hours of going through Victron Community posts and YouTube videos I read that you should use a powered USB hub for devices because the RPi doesn't provide enough power. I don't know USB power requirements or protocols at all so I don't know if that is the right reason, but... I grabbed a powered USB hub from one of my computers and put it on the system. Now everything is showing up and working well.

I am posting this to help others attempting to do the same thing. If anyone has information to add, that would be helpful.

Thanks to those that posted the information that helped me.

EDIT: Spoke too soon! They last a lot longer, but they still disappear after a few hours. Rebooting doesn't help. The only thing that brings them back is unplugging and plugging them back in. I'm leaning toward moving it to a Pi 3 or 4. Any thoughts?

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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2 Answers
muvybuf avatar image
muvybuf answered ·

Seems like the solution is stated in several places but it didn't register in my slow brain!

All devices connected to VenusOS through the Raspberry Pi must be optically isolated. I cannot directly connect, for example, a MPPT controller directly to the Raspberry Pi.

You can use the Victron cables or make use of some other device that will isolate the various controllers. I used the isolator shown on the Off-Grid Garage YouTube channel.

I also went to a Raspberry Pi 3 B just to speed things up.

Everything has been working fine for several weeks now.

Hope this helps.

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ak68 avatar image
ak68 answered ·

I have the same problem:

Rapi Zero 2W + MK3/ Multiplus + Tank 140

After 2-3 days disappers everything and Raspi has to be restartet .....

I also suppose, that the USB-power is to less ....

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