
bazil avatar image
bazil asked

Amateur solution to melt snow and ice on solar panel

I'm looking for a simple solution to melt snow and ice build up on a couple of solar panels and have come up with the following idea:

Do you remember the rear window defrosters of cars from the 1970's onwards namely the clumsy grid of horizontal wires adhered to the window?

I was wondering whether one could use a similar system namely a 12 V / 36 W adhesive foil (depicted below) that would adhere to the rear of the solar panel. The MPPT 12 V output together with a manual 2 minute timer switch would supply and control accordingly.

Do you think my idea might work?

Best regards


Solar Panel
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2 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

I live in Estonia and in my place (Miila near Rakvere) I have currently between -14° and -19°C and I do not need ANY HEATING or SCRAPING for my 6 old panels. (see photo)

I have only to remove the snow with a 4m long brush from the panels because it is filtering the sunlight away, but under it, it is only an ice layer which is like glass and let the sun trough. The icelayer is melting faster as you can imagine.



Do not even think on removing the ice, because you can damage the solarpanels.

Oh, the snow on the left side is roughly 35cm high.

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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@Bazil I have a extract fan in my roof space, connected to a roof vent tile that is located under the bottom row of solar panels. When I have snow or ice, I turn the extract fan on for half hour. As soon as one panel is defrosted, all the other defrost from the adjacent panel heat. The fan I have is controlled by a smart switch that i can control from my phone, so as I leave the house for work, If I look up and see any ice or snow, I turn on the fan with my phone, drive the 15 minute to work and by the time i get to work, if the sun is out I can see the panels generating. The fan pulls 15w and cost £20. The roof tile cost me £30. The smart control cost £25.

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k-k avatar image k-k commented ·
Nice! Smart solution
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