
tornow-henry avatar image
tornow-henry asked

problem, quattro

I have a problem, I have two 24/5000-120 quattros, one installed, one as a spare both of them refuses to take input on AC1, AC2 works as intended but AC1 does not, i have tried to connect my generating set (10kva 230v 50hz) and shore power (16a 230v 50hz) and confirmed that there is voltage at the terminals. Using the VE bus system comfigurator and a dongle i can see that the quattro can see the voltage and frequency from AC1, after abt. 30 sec i can hear a relay trying to swich over, it tries this three times but ends up going back in inverter mode. I have tried with both quattros, same result. I have tried to change all relavant settings but with no succes. Has anyone else had problems like this?

quattro 10kva
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@tornow henry

How is the system programmed?

Generator and grid rejection can happen for so many different reasons.

Some might be for program reasons.

A physical reason can be because line and neutral are mixed.

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tornow-henry avatar image tornow-henry commented ·

I have measured and doublemeasured that nutural and line is correct, checked voltage, peak voltagedrop and so on. i have tried almost all different settings in the programming including the ground relay setting. Could the the qouttros be coded for something non standard from the dealer?

Also when i see it in ve system configurator, on the page with the ac input 2 is displayed in green and i cannot configure it. AC inupt 1 i displayed in blue and i can configure it, including settings for max current draw on ac1 and ac2, is it supposed to be like that?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ tornow-henry commented ·

If they were a firmware update will wipe them off anyway.

So if you did they you will be golden on factory default settings.

You might need to reset them to stand alone and test them.

The inverter is programmed as one. The AC1 and AC 2 appear in one tab in the ve config when you right click and go there from the bus configurator.

Have you tried using Victron Connect for the base programming. Is this your first three phase system? Have you done stand alone systems before?

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