
chris H avatar image
chris H asked

can you use optimizers with an MPPT 250/60 TR?

I have10 JA solar 410W (JAM72s10 390-410/mr) panels connectec to a MPPT RS 450/100-tr, of the panels are effected by shading during part ot the day which is reducing the efficency, would fitting optimizers cure this? and is it comapable with the MPPT?

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The MPPT manuals clearly state optimisers are not supported and can cause conflicts with the MPPT Algo.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
It is true for networked optimisers because they transmit their data ovet the DC cable and this can heavily disturb the MPPT.

Currently I know only 2 optimiser which are system independant and work as Stand-Alone, hence you connect the solarpanel to the optimiser and with the second pair of connectors into your solar string.

And it works...

...but with a price of around 56€, I am not sure, wheter it is realy optimal.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Michelle Konzack commented ·

Any and all optimisers are unsupported with Victron MPPTs.

People still do it, but if you have issues you are on your own.

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