
cronblad avatar image
cronblad asked

Dynamic ESS beta - Sweden - Settings "Provider" list not available

Anyone know when this table, "provider" can be available for Sweden?provider-list-missing-dynamic-ess.png

A link to whom to all active companies in Sweden selling electric energy:

Sök elhandlare - Elpriskollen

@Alexandra any info available?

dynamic ess
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1 Answer
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

We have an open issue on adding more providers. The original idea was to be using the filled out formula's of the users. Problem is that a lot of users at the same provider use slightly different formula's. So how to determine which one is correct for adding it to the list?
Partly this may be caused by providers giving out different contract terms to different users, other reasons can be that users don't read their contract thoroughly and fill out the wrong formula. And there are probably other causes to be thought of.

If I look for example at Tiber in Sweden (Göteborg area) I see 11 Tibber users and almost as many different buy formula's: (p+0.097)*1.25, p*1.25, p+0.01+0.05, (p+0.0491+0.001+0.1194+2), (p+0.0085)*1.25, p, p+0.048+0.0375, (p+0.009+0.07)*1.25, p*(1.25), (p+0.03+0.08)*1.12, p+(p*0.25)+0.0395+0.049.

Deciding which one is best is the hard part. That is why we haven't added more yet.

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cronblad avatar image cronblad commented ·
Thank you @Dirk-Jan for your reply! I understand the complexity and believe there is a need for two categories in the price formula. (1.) One that is based on the basic price data (For example Nordpool net price data in my case) from the provider. This data shall not be possible to alter by the user (me). (2.) The second category would be data that the user (me) will be 100% responsible for. This data that I get from my contract with the provider and manually enter. In Sweden sometimes the energy provider and net owner are different. in my case Trollhättan Energi AB is the provider and the net owner Vattenfall AB, so I get two separate invoices on a regular basis. To calculate the true total price for energy I also need to add price for energy tax, subscription, transfer cost and VAT. This I would typically do in category 2 above. Can this be a way forward? To simply divide the responsibility?

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cronblad avatar image cronblad cronblad commented ·
@Dirk-Jan I also would like to say that just having the basis netprices in the program and be able to control the buy/charge side on the lowest priced hours would be a great start that might speed up the DESS release and more fancy features can be added when developed.

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ cronblad commented ·

Hej Cronblad. Thanks for the constructive input. I have taken notice and am discussing it internally. Adding new providers to the dropdown and a way of alternative formula's will probably be postponed until we have migrated from Beta to regular VRM first.

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cronblad avatar image cronblad Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

You are welcome :-) Looking forward to it! Keep up the good work!


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