
Richard Bennett avatar image
Richard Bennett asked

Why don’t I have 240v at output 2 when connected to mains.


Have just had a Multiplus 12/3000/50/ 240 volt inverter installed in our van.

Supplies power on output 1 both on and off grid.

No voltage on output 2, whether connected to the grid or not.

Is there a configuration issue

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

With the default settings AC Out 2 becomes active with a delay of approximately 2 minutes after grid is connected.

-> see manual at 4.3.1

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Richard Bennett avatar image Richard Bennett commented ·

Hi waited 10 minutes.

Still no power on #2

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Just a suggestion for one possible cause.

check the unit using Ve Configure and a mk2 or mk3, to see if its had assistants installed or other settings changed in the past as these could be controlling the AC2 out.

maybe even upgrade the firmware to the latest version as this will also reset the Unit back to factory default as well.

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Richard Bennett avatar image Richard Bennett commented ·

Ok thanks, ill get the correct interface tomorrow.

Had a read of the information.

Maybe just settings.

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Gary Pacey avatar image
Gary Pacey answered ·

Was this working when the installer commissioned the unit?

What is the source of the incoming 240-volt power? Has the incoming voltage been measured?

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Richard Bennett avatar image Richard Bennett commented ·

No it wasn’t working then.

Just followed the diagrams and connected as is.

I need to get the correct interface for the unit tomorrow

Maybe then we can see the settings.

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