
Fideri avatar image
Fideri asked

Am I right on grounding?

Hello everyone,

My PV frame is grounded. I didn't ground my two 250/100 MPPTs despite what the manuals say to avoid a ground loop. My batteries also have a grounding provision on an external frame that is currently unconnected. It's not feasible to connect the PV frame and the rest of the system to one point. I figured that since my PV frame is grounded, I don't need to ground the rest of the system, which also includes a Victron inverter, a Cerbo GX and 2 sets of busbars. Please note the rest of the system can be grounded at 1 point, giving 2 grounding points, at the PV frame and at the battery frame.

Local regulations do not exist and techs know nothing about grounding.

Is my approach wrong? If so, kindly explain why so that I can learn.


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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

The rest of your system should all be grounded to a second grounding point. This is for safety, ensuring that any metal case works cannot rise to a dangerous voltage if touched.

If the pv array frame is independently grounded, this is not an issue, but if the array is close enough (<100m) then a ground bond wire could be run parallel to the PV power cables. Usually equipment grounding terminals can all be connected to a common ground point without creating any earth loops.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
@Mike Dorsett

Understood. Thanks.


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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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