
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob asked

What happens when AC load exceeds battery DCL (no sun)?

It's getting colder and I'm noticing the Discharge Current on the batteries is lowering. What happens if the battery discharge limit is lowered to X amps, and yet the AC load spikes to X + 20 amps when a microwave or some other load is triggered?

I imagine the batteries will either provide the load and an alarm or they'll shut themselves down?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It depends on the batteries own BMS.

For BYD, the battery shuts the inverters off if the overload continues past a set time.

Pylontec allow some abuse of their batteries. Usually show an alarm on the unit. If using the hub the system can shut down. They do allow high peak draws also for short periods.

It is usually best to program a few items load shed if you think it will be something that happens alot by the users.

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