
marcel-pretorius avatar image
marcel-pretorius asked

Multiplus Two 15 kVA Flicker

I am currently having an issue with respect to severe flickering of various incandescent, LED and CFL lights when a customer Multiplus Two, 15 kVA inverter switches to inverter mode.

The issue has been raised with Victron SA but still awaiting feedback.

Is anyone able to assist or shed light on this issue?

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What is the battery model and configuration?

What are the inverter settings?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Is it severe flicker just in switch over not continuously?

Besides undersized or high resistance DC being an issue. There are quite a few reasons.

Flickering can be voltage or frequency related. If it is continuous.

Or a bad neutral. Have definitely seen the bad neutral being the issue with some lights flickering cases.

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