
hutchinsel avatar image
hutchinsel asked

Why is every app store related change failing for Signal K

I have installed Signal K on my Cerbo GX. It seems to be functioning ok - the 3 installed WebApps are all showing data.

I have been attempting to load SailLogger and it's failing on every attempt.

I can't find any sort of debug log to understand why.

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1 Answer
ilker avatar image
ilker answered ·

Hi, sorry saw this late. Saillogger plugin requires Sqlite and it needs to be compiled during the installation of the plugin. It can take a VERY long time to compile it on a Cerbo, which is normal. Please be patient and wait for the installation to complete before restarting Signal K. It can take 30 minutes or more.

Also for Saillogger specific questions you can use Saillogger forums at, you may get responses more quickly there.

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