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chrispi asked

Modify/Enlarge the remote consule in size, how could this be done? Gui mods?

Hi all,

The remote console window/popup in the VRM is very small and covers maybe 30% of the screen. Very surprised I cannot find any thread that's discussing or sharing knowledge how this window could be modified so it's bigger. It's actually just a popup and there should be a way to modify its size.

My cerboGx is to far away from the navstation in my boat and even if possible I would have to tear up 2/3 of the boat to run these cables. On the other hand all is available in the VRM remote consule. Beside saving money for an extra screen (minor interest) it would make installation much easier, just get an 100Euro android tablet, install it anywhere it suits you mobil or semi permanent with USB cable and you are set.

I am really surprised there is not a huge demand for this mod or at least discussed how this could be achieved. To me there is no obvious reason this is not much bigger or even covers the whole screen other the victron wanna sell their TouchControl screens.

@Kevin Windrem : Could this be not part of your Gui mods, eg as an other "size remote console window" where you could just modify the size eg the width of the window and height is automatically calculated so it scales correctly and everything is just bigger. At least that's how it was done in HTML in old times...but assume that hasn't change much. If you modify windows inside it or add to enlarge all should be not a huge task or do I misjudge the effort here ?

thank you


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