
dashti1995 avatar image
dashti1995 asked

Double Conversion UPS system with two Victron Inverters

I want to install a double-conversion UPS system using two Victron Inverters. I plan to install an inverter as a charger with BYD batteries and use a Cerbo GX to establish the communication between the inverter (charger) and the batteries while monitoring some other parameters. Meanwhile, I will install an inverter and configure it to always be in the off-grid mode. in this way, the system will simulate a double conversion UPS system. Moreover, I will add a few solar panels to charge the batteries in the case of a long-duration power outage.

The reason I am doing this is that the transfer time for the Victron Energy inverters is over 10ms, and the grid just passes through, which might risk a smooth operation of the IT appliances.

Has anyone done that? appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.

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electricman avatar image electricman commented ·

Did you install this system? What are your experiences?

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1 Answer
jalle19 avatar image
jalle19 answered ·

I used to run a rack of equipment from a grid-connected MultiPlus for over a year, while cutting AC power to the MultiPlus daily. No equipment ever had any issue with it. I'd strongly reconsider building a double-conversion UPS unless you've empirically verified you need one.

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