
davidandzane avatar image
davidandzane asked

75/15 as a D.C. D.C. Charger

I have a caravan with a 75/15 solar charger and I was wanting to know if I can disconnect the solar panel and connect it to car while I drive as a D.C. D.C. Charger?

Orion DC-DC Converters not smart
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1 Answer
ripper avatar image
ripper answered ·

It is a step down converter so it needs 5V more on the PV entries than the battery to be charged to initiate. Your car will only reach that if you have a 24V system, your alternator is faulty or the battery in question is drained beyond sensible levels. It then stops charging if there is less than a 1V gap between both sides which is no good either for fully charging.

So in theory yes, in practice not so much. What you want is a battery booster for fast charging or something out of the Victron Orion series if you have little more time on your hands.

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