
jfro avatar image
jfro asked

DOA BMV 712 replacement help

I have a BMV 712 that is not working. It hung up on install with the firmware upgrade. Subsequent firmware upgrades fail. Shunt seems to work, but 712 doesn't register or give an LCD messages. Just jibberish. Other Victron equipment did update successfully. My dealer (I am in the U.S.A.) has not gotten me a replacement unit as promised and after 3 weeks I'm getting frustrated with the warranty/replacement process I do not know if it's Victron or my Dealer who is at fault and don't care. Just want a replacement. How do I resolve this other than ordering a new one and putting in a credit card or paypal complaint?

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Hi you will need to return the unit to the dealer for testing. and they would then put a RMA in etc.

or Return it to another dealer for testing. but its always better to use the one you purchased it from.

Anyway its very rare for a firmware update to cause any issue even if there is a failure during the update , so try a few more times to see if it will upgrade using Victron Connect and try using a diferant mobile device as well.

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jfro avatar image jfro commented ·

New unit is finally on the way. I tired multiple times on multiple days to update firmware. Always same failure message after 1-2 minutes. It said to update on install, so I never had it working, maybe it was faulty from the start.... Thanks for your answer.

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