
motylu avatar image
motylu asked

Node-RED - unable to install nodes from palette


on one new installation I have problem with Node-RED, because I am not able to install nodes from palette, for example node-red-dashboard. I have no problem on other installations (more than 20). Cerbo GX has the latest FW 03.11, but same situation I had with previous FW 03.10.

Here is screen with Event log and Debug console:


Has anyone encountered a similar problem?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Moved to modifications space. Hopefully on the the experts there can help.

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johnnn avatar image johnnn commented ·
I have the exact same problem. Were you able to solve it?

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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

On face value it looks like it couldn't connect to the destination server. Internet/connectivity issue?

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motylu avatar image motylu commented ·

I am entering the Node-RED editor externally via VRM so there is no problem with connection between Cerbo and Internet. Cerbo GX is connected to the Internet over the same ISP as my connection and I don't have any problem and also I have no problem on more than 20 another installations...

On another forums regarding the Node-RED issues I read some problems with IPv6, but Cerbo GX is connected to home router via cable and uses IPv4 addressing...

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motylu avatar image
motylu answered ·

Really, nobody did not face similar problem?

For me it is a big deal, because I have some important features uses Node-RED (like set min. SOC, set feed-in based on spot price in dashboard and protection against high voltages on Pylontech batteries,...) and on this installation I am not able to make it work...

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johnny-brusevold avatar image johnny-brusevold commented ·


Had similar problems on my pi3b+, which was related to IPV6

Added these lines to /etc/sysctl.conf to disable ipv6 and everything has been working fine. It might be worth a try

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

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motylu avatar image motylu johnny-brusevold commented ·
Thank you @Johnny Brusevold !

I believe this could help, but these changes can be made only after root of the Cerbo GX, which is not good solution for customer's Cerbo...

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·
Wish I could help, but rather I have a question. Can you tell me if CCL reported by the Pylontech batteries over the BUS.CAN is exposed in Node Red so that you have have logic that uses the charge current limit reported by the Pylontech batteries?
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motylu avatar image motylu alaskannoob commented ·
No, for protection I don't use CCL from the Pylontech BMS, because it reacts to late and this is one part of the problem with high voltage errors...
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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob motylu commented ·
I wasn't suggesting you use it, I was just wondering if you knew whether it was available in Node Red or not.
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motylu avatar image motylu alaskannoob commented ·
Yes, CCL is available in Node-RED for Pylontech batteries.
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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob motylu commented ·
Thank you for that. I didn't want to upgrade to the Large OS before making sure. I want to make my auto-start of my generator look at CCL first before starting the generator because it's hooked up to an EG4 chargeverter that puts 100A into the bus bar and I don't want to overcharge during cold temperatures. I don't want to to provide more current than the Pylontech says it can take. Thanks for helping me out, cheers.
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johnnn avatar image
johnnn answered ·

I have the exact same problem. Were you able to solve it?

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
I had this problem a few weeks back. The only fix for me was to export a copy of my flows, disable nodered in the settings menu, then delete the /data/home/nodered directory. Re-enable nodered and import the flows. Then I was able to install pallettes again. I might have forgotten a step, it was a few weeks back.
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motylu avatar image motylu commented ·

Problem with installing new nodes was solved on this installation by connection the Cerbo GX via mobile phone data (connection to hotspot) temporarily.

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johnnn avatar image johnnn motylu commented ·
Please explain, this doesn't make sense to me. I
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motylu avatar image motylu johnnn commented ·
Probably there was some problem with IPv6 implementation in one of used home routers, so I must connect Cerbo GX to Internet using another way, in this case mobile phone data...
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