
cgassner avatar image
cgassner asked

Multiplus II 48/5000 output limited to 70%


I have three Multiplus II 48/5000 and two MPPT RS 450|200 with Lead-Acid Batteries in my system.

The output of the Inverters seems to be hard limited to 10500W and I dont know where that limit is coming from.

There is no difference if the power comes directly from the MPPTs or the batteries, even when pulling an extra 8kW from the grid.

Limit Inverter Power and Limit System feed-in in the ESS Setting is turned off.

We have extra cooling fans for the Multis.

Do you have any ideas what the Problem could be here?


Multiplus-IIpv limit
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

What sort of loads are you running? The 5000 value is VA, the wattage output will drop depending on the power factor of the loads.

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cgassner avatar image cgassner kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Two households, workshop, water heater, air compressor, cooling chamber, battery chargers and stuff like that.

I dont know the power factor of the loads but i assume that the max output would not be a fixed number if it were to throttle because of the power factor because the it would change with different things beeing turned on.

I dont know if this is relevant but the behaviour is the same when feeding excess into the grid.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What is the ambient temp in the room? At full power they will generally derate.

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cgassner avatar image cgassner commented ·

Ambient temp is < 25°C and the air at the output of the Multiplus is < 30°C with the external fans.

I once set the output from 500W to 15000W while the output air temp was 21° with the external fans off and it still wouldn't output more than 10500W

Fan shrouds with random 230V fans

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