
timormerod avatar image
timormerod asked

I am not seeing any wattage in my victron connect application with my panel installed

I have a 120W panel connected to a MPPT controller 100/20 , I cannot see any wattage even though there is light is it because there is not enough power to fire up the controller the solar is only showing 12.67v on the voltage, does the controller need more voltage to start ?

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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Yes the solar voltage must be 5v above the battery voltage for the MPPT to start up each morning.

With a MPPT charge controller it's good practice to use a solar array with a Voc that is significantly above the battery voltage so that it starts up early each morning and shuts down late each evening.

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timormerod avatar image timormerod commented ·

Hi Mark, thanks for getting back to me I will try and locate the van to gain some more direct light and see if I can get the controller online.

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