
maksim-zapotochnij avatar image
maksim-zapotochnij asked

Charger selection


I need charger for my custom battery, but info dont show required voltage.

Top voltage of the battery is 16.8V, but all standard modes have 14.4 max. Is there a way to make custom profile for any of chargers?

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2 Answers
christern avatar image
christern answered ·

All Smart chargers can be set to custom profiles via Victron Connect, as far as I know.

Use the app and select Demo library and select one of the chargers and you will be able to see what settings are possible.

Strange voltage anyway. What kind of battery is it?

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grahamwood avatar image grahamwood commented ·
Sounds like a 4 cell LiPo. Top cell voltage is 4.2v.
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maksim-zapotochnij avatar image maksim-zapotochnij grahamwood commented ·
Yes, 21700 LiPo
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grahamwood avatar image
grahamwood answered ·

You would be better off with a LiPo charger. It will use the correct profile for 4 cell LiPo

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maksim-zapotochnij avatar image maksim-zapotochnij commented ·
Victron have ones or from other manufacturer?
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grahamwood avatar image grahamwood maksim-zapotochnij commented ·
Other manufacturers would be less expensive. You can use the advanced settings to allow any Victron to charge a LiPo but my preference would be a dedicated LiPo charger which I don’t think Victron make.
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