
Faial Livingston avatar image
Faial Livingston asked

Clicking sound and low charge Multiplus

Multiplus 24/3000/70

Have had the inverter running smoothly for many years, recently due to an issue with starting the generator had to update the software of the inverter and CCGX. Now able to use the new warm up and cool down features from within the CCGX.

Shortly after had an issue with the board that was replaced by a Victron technician.

From this point onwards when charging there are two issues;

1. The inverter charges from shore power at near full capacity for less than 30 minutes after which it halves and halves further. Have tested with a generator and too same results. Have disconnected the BMS from the system and kept as critical disconnect, as it manages an independent relay, regardless the issue persists.

2. There is a loud clicking sound when charging and from nearly in sync to the seconds tick on a watch it has gone up to as fast as rapid fire ticking.

Have exhausted all possible settings to no avail. Any insights from the community would be greatly appreciated.



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Faial Livingston

Did you update the inverter as well?

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Faial Livingston avatar image Faial Livingston Alexandra ♦ commented ·
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1 Answer
anomof avatar image
anomof answered ·

Don’t know if you are still have the clicking issue. If you are and you feel comfortable with taking the cover off and then powering back up the inverter, you can listen where the clicking noise originates from. It could be from a faulty relay.

2 |3000

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