
alex-ramseyer avatar image
alex-ramseyer asked

24V, IP65 Blue Smart Charger - incoming AC current, U.S. model

I would like to buy a 24V IP65 charger while in the U.S. Do the IP65 models that are sold to the U.S. market also support 220V or is the usual U.S. 110V only?

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

They're voltage-specific. The IP65 US models are US 120V with the US NEMA 5-15 plug; the 230V models are 230V only, with varying plug configurations available depending on where you're hooking them up, ie SCHUKO, CEE, UK, etc.
If you need a world-voltage unit, the Phoenix Smart IP43 models are great, though obviously not quite as portable/easy connection as the IP65s.

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