
hendrik-2 avatar image
hendrik-2 asked

ESS-Multiplus 2 discharging @600watt max

I have an ESS system with the following components:

Cerbo GX as controller

MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32

SmartShunt 500A / (JKbms via serial connected capable for 200 amps)

Energy Meter ET340

Battery 280 Ah

Charging of the battery is not a problem, this is goiing with ~32 amp (2000Watts), this is true

but when the ESS starting dicharging the battery (makes no sense what is soc at that moment) its only dicharging with ~12 amps (600 watts), while it must be possible to discharge with around 2000 Watts.

Multiplus is only connected to ac in, nothing connected to ac out (also switched off in the software) no limitations are set, or are far above what the multiplus is actualy delivering.

Ac input limit is 25 Amp, power assist is off, furthermore the standard settings from VeConfig, multiplus is connected to L1, system is 3 phase system.

what can cause this? i look already many times in the settings, but cannot find anything

Multiplus-IIess discharging
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hendrik-2 avatar image hendrik-2 commented ·


actual situation, grid setpoint is set on 10 W

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naamloos.jpg (30.8 KiB)
2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


So how are you feeding back? With just a feed in limit from DC in the ESS menu?

Grid set point only works when you have loads on AC out of inverter.

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Gavin avatar image Gavin commented ·

ESS can use GridSetPoint with or without loads on AC-OUT.

You'd use a CT Clamp or External Meter. OP is using an ET340 to make the CerboGX aware of the other grid usage.

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hendrik-2 avatar image
hendrik-2 answered ·


feed back is done with the grid setpoint, i have put it now on 10 Watt, and then the multiplus is regulate on that one, works great.

only problem is that when usage of my house is above 600 watt, the multiplus is only delivering 600 watts and the rest is comming from the grid. while i expect the multiplus can delivering more

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Gavin avatar image Gavin commented ·
Do you have DVCC Enabled? Does your battery have a BMS that talks to the CerboGX?

It seems like there is a limit applying somewhere.

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